Simone de Beauvoir’s “The Second Sex” is a pioneering piece of feminist literature that delves into the historical oppression of women.

Despite its publication in 1949, the book’s themes and ideas remain relevant to contemporary feminism. It continues to inform current debates and discussions around gender, sexuality, and power. A significant argument presented in “The Second Sex” is that society constructs women into a subordinate group rather than them being born that way. This, Beauvoir argues, is because women are socialised to be passive.

This argument remains relevant today, as society continues to impose rigid gender roles that limit women’s opportunities and hinder their progress in various spheres of life. Women are still underrepresented in positions of power, face wage gaps, and face gender-based violence and harassment at work and in other public spaces.

Another of the key themes of “The Second Sex” is the idea that gender is a social construct rather than a biological fact. Beauvoir argues that women are not inherently inferior to men but are made subordinate through social conditioning and the cultural expectations placed upon them. This idea remains central to modern feminist thought, which advocates dismantling gender-based hierarchies and creating a more equitable society.

A strength of “The Second Sex” is that it is a truly interdisciplinary work. De Beauvoir draws on insights from philosophy, psychology, biology, anthropology, and literature to create a rich and nuanced portrait of women’s experiences. She is equally comfortable analysing Hegel and Darwin’s theories as she explores the novels of Virginia Woolf and Colette. This breadth of knowledge and curiosity makes “The Second Sex” a truly unique and stimulating work.

Another of the critical strengths of “The Second Sex” is that it provides a comprehensive analysis of how women are oppressed. Beauvoir argues that patriarchy creates a society where women are seen as “others” and relegated to secondary status. She explores how this manifests in various aspects of life, including politics, education, and relationships. By providing this analysis, she created a framework for understanding the nature of oppression that is still relevant today.

Additionally, Beauvoir’s critique of the notion of “the feminine.” She argues that femininity is not a natural or inherent quality possessed by women but rather a set of cultural stereotypes and expectations that are imposed on women. These stereotypes create a narrow and limiting view of what women should be. Beauvoir suggests that women can only achieve true freedom by breaking free from these limitations and defining themselves on their own terms.

Despite these strengths that have clearly had a significant influence in modern feminism, Beuvoirs writing is not without its faults.

Firstly, one of the most common criticisms of the book is that it’s too focused on the experiences of middle-class white women. Critics claim that Beauvoir fails to address the intersectionality of women’s experiences and doesn’t consider the struggles of women of colour, working-class women, and LGBTQ+ women. This criticism suggests that her analysis of women’s oppression is too limited and doesn’t accurately reflect the experiences of all women.

Another criticism of The Second Sex is that Beauvoir’s analysis is overly deterministic. Critics argue that she portrays women as passive victims of their biology and society without acknowledging the possibility of resistance or change. This criticism suggests that Beauvoir’s view of women as oppressed is too pessimistic and doesn’t allow for the possibility of agency and empowerment.

In addition, some critics have argued that Beauvoir’s analysis is too focused on the West and doesn’t consider women’s experiences outside Europe and North America. This criticism suggests that her analysis needs to be revised by its Eurocentric perspective and accurately reflect women’s experiences in other parts of the world.

Despite these criticisms, “The Second Sex” remains a powerful source of inspiration for feminists worldwide today. Her teachings challenged the traditional view that women were inferior to men and highlighted how societal norms and gender roles have been used to oppress women.

One way we can apply her teachings to our modern-day lives is by recognising and challenging gender-based discrimination. This means not only advocating for women’s rights but also supporting other marginalised groups, including LGBTQ+ individuals and people of colour.

Another way is by promoting gender equality in the workplace. This can involve advocating for equal pay, supporting women in leadership positions, and challenging gendered expectations about job roles.

Overall, the key takeaway from Simone de Beauvoir’s teachings is that we must actively work to dismantle the structures of oppression that have been built up over centuries. By staying informed, speaking out, and taking action, we can make a difference in the fight for gender equality.