by Jack Harvey | Jun 1, 2023 | Home, Opinion, Reviews
The world of politics is fast paced and relentless (apart from during recess- thanks for that Parliamentary Bureau, that’s really helped our analytics!), so politicians don’t really have much time to do normal-person things. Of course they don’t want us, their adoring...
by James Dugdale | May 28, 2023 | Home, Opinion, Reviews
During today’s Sunday Politics programme, we get little in the way of solving an NHS crisis from either of the two biggest parties – but an abundance of hopelessly loyal Nadine Dorries still defending Boris Johnson. What more could we possibly expect? Nadine the...
by Liam Fitzpatrick | May 25, 2023 | Opinion, Reviews, The Establishment
The Government are tearing themselves apart again in the name of Boris Johnson. In other news, ‘bear shits in woods’. It’s been a typical Tory week with the Party playing its greatest hits, the encore of a dying government waiting for the electorate to...
by Florence Hill | May 22, 2023 | Home, Opinion, Reviews, Social Issues
Simone de Beauvoir’s “The Second Sex” is a pioneering piece of feminist literature that delves into the historical oppression of women. Despite its publication in 1949, the book’s themes and ideas remain relevant to contemporary feminism. It...
by James Dugdale | May 22, 2023 | Home, Opinion, Reviews
Whether it’s the Bullingdon club or the botch job of Brexit, the roots of Britain’s ruling class are rotten to the cure but few writers have given us a truly comprehensive guide to explain just why this is the case, Simon Kupers ‘Chums’ is the concise...
by Liam Fitzpatrick | May 21, 2023 | Home, Opinion, Reviews
Politics professor and polling guru Tim Bale’s second book on the Conservative Party lays bare the chaos and incompetence of our government in the post-Brexit era. Bale’s first book examined how the party evolved from the leadership of Margaret Thatcher to that of...