by Ben Shahrabi | May 28, 2023 | Home, The Establishment
As teenage boys and tissue companies rejoice all over the place, let’s celebrate International Masturbation Day (yes, that’s a real thing) with some of Westminster’s most infamous wankers. Neil Parish The former Conservative MP for Tiverton and Honiton, in the west...
by Dylan Oakley | May 24, 2023 | Home, Opinion
The Labour Party have been hiding away from political success for the past 13 years, yet they could be walking into their best chance to oust the Tories in next year’s general election. Current polls suggest that Keir Starmer could waltz into number ten with a...
by Liam Fitzpatrick | May 21, 2023 | Home, Opinion, Reviews
Politics professor and polling guru Tim Bale’s second book on the Conservative Party lays bare the chaos and incompetence of our government in the post-Brexit era. Bale’s first book examined how the party evolved from the leadership of Margaret Thatcher to that of...
by Dylan Oakley | May 21, 2023 | Home, The Establishment
Countless fuck-ups, scandals and – pigs? The UK Prime Ministers have provided us with some huge mistakes over the last 20 years, so here’s Punching Up’s top five… 5: Liz Truss (that’s it, that’s the heading) Liz Truss will very probably go down as the most...